Venezuela: The powerless 'monopoly' millionaire
Dutch hotel owner in Venezuela Frank is fretting. He would like to return to the Netherlands, away from the corruption and hyperinflation. But it can't be done. Image: Guy Van den Branden He sits quietly but looks somewhat confused and sad in front of him. In his - self-created - safe environment, he ponders [...]
Eddy is dead, tortured and burned alive
Ik ken Eddy ongeveer een half jaar, mijn vrienden meer dan 10 jaar. Eddy, een Duitse man met een baard die door kinderen regelmatig uitgemaakt werd voor Kerstman. Hij was niet bij iedereen geliefd. Hij was nors, koppig en eigenwijs maar had een oprecht goed hart. Eddy is niet meer, hij is gruwelijk vermoord. En […]
Voluntarily incarcerated in Tocoron, Venezuela's most notorious prison
Tocoron is de beruchtste gevangenis van Venezuela. Er vallen honderden doden per jaar en werkelijk alles is er te krijgen. Wapens, cocktails en zelfs een krokodil zijn binnen de muren te vinden. Ik liet me er vrijwillig opsluiten. Normaal gesproken is de toegangsweg naar de gevangenis die uitkijkt op een open veld verlaten. Deze ochtend echter, […]
Photo report: Coloctive vs. CICPC (police) - The next day
On Oct. 7, a "shootout" ensued between members of a colectivo and the CICPC (police) in Caracas. This is remarkable because the colectivos never actually have a problem with the police. But that day was different. Some media did not even mention the incident others spoke of 3 or 5 dead, including the leader [...].
Who is Carvajal aka "El Pollo" and why does Minister Timmermans order his release?
Not many people had unfettered direct access to Hugo Chavez. Hugo Armando Carvajal Barrios aka "El Pollo" (the chicken) did have this. As head of the military intelligence service, he had unlimited resources at his disposal to accomplish his goals. In recent years, several pieces of evidence have surfaced showing [...]
Venezuela: San Antonio prison: Drugs, sex and... Salsa
On Isla Margarita just outside the capital city of Porlamar stands the San Antonio prison. From the outside it looks like a -gate locked by guards and -the fence watched by snipers-, like any normal prison in Venezuela. Appearances can be deceiving. Once you are through the gate there is no trace of what [...]
Venezuela: more and more less
The shortages in Venezuela are beginning to take on extreme proportions. Besides the shelves of stores getting emptier and emptier, the price of what is still there getting higher and higher, production is at a standstill in many areas due to a shortage of raw materials. A solution? This one is not yet in sight. The sign "No [...]
Venezuela 1: The mothers are in charge.
Toen ik er aankwam was het vrij tam, toch heerste er gelijk een gespannen sfeer. Mensen stonden op de uitkijk, de barricades van de vorige dag stonden er nog deels en aan het eind van de straat zag ik de gepantserde voortuigen van het leger klaarstaan. Toch, wist mijn gids mij te vertellen, was het […]
13 and pregnant. Fortunately, she is not alone
Your father left you with your mother at a young age, you are doing well in school but you still have a few years to go before you are ready. Your future plans? you are just beginning to think about that, why the rush - you have a whole life ahead of you. Your mother works [...]
[The door stays shut. Could they be dead?
For months, I've been watching them as they play on the street, try to make money on the side by renting parking spots or with a customer walking into their house, looking for a new adventure. A few days ago, three men left the house early. The gate in front of their front door was [...].